How to build your own Meta Space(CN+EN)

This article was written on 22nd December 2021


How to creat Meta Space / 如何建立元空间

如果您希望创建自己的 Meta Space ,您需要先在 Meta Network 中占领个人的地块,在完成占领之后根据引导您会来到 Meta Space Console 中,这里就是 Meta Space 的管理后台,您只要跟随系统的指引即可完成 Meta Space 的创建。总流程如下:

If you want to create your own Meta Space, you need first to occupy your plot in the Meta Network. After doing so, you will be guided to the Meta Space Console, which is the Meta Space administration backend. The overall process is as follows.

  1. Meta Network ->

  2. Meta Space Console ->

  3. Meta Space ->

  4. Create

在 Meta Network 占领地块 Take up space in Meta Network

Meta Network 未来将会作为 Meta 系列产品中的 可视化社交网络入口,因此每位创作者需要在开始创作之前占领一个地图上的地块作为未来个人 Meta Space 的入口。您可以根据以下步骤完成占领:

Meta Network will serve as a visual social network portal for the Meta family of products in the future, so each creator needs to occupy a plot on the map as a future personal Meta Space portal before starting to create. You can do so by following these steps.

  1. 访问 Meta Network 网站:

    Visit the Meta Network website:

  2. 点击菜单栏中的 “登录”(Sign in)按钮进入登录页面,切换到注册后使用邀请码和邮箱完成注册流程

    Click the "Sign in" button in the menu bar to enter the login page, switch to Register and use the invitation code and email address to complete the registration process

  3. 登录后根据界面的指引选择一个地块并占领,此过程无需您使用钱包签名,我们已经完成了元数据的存储

    After logging in, follow the guidelines in the interface to select a plot and occupy it; this process does not require you to sign with your wallet; we have completed the storage of metadata

如何获得邀请码 / How to get an invitation code

Meta 系列产品目前处于早期阶段,我们采用了邀请码加入机制。目前您可以通过以下渠道来获得邀请码:

Meta series products are early; we use the invitation code to join the mechanism. Currently, you can get an invitation code through the following channels.

  1. 询问已经加入 Meta Network 的用户,每位完成地块占领用户都会有 3个新的邀请码 Ask users who have already joined Meta Network; each completed plot occupation user will have three new invitation codes

  2. 询问已经完成 Meta Space 创建的用户,每位完成 Meta Space 创建的用户都会获得额外3个邀请码 Ask users who have already created Meta Space, each user who has created Meta Space will get three additional invitations

  3. 如果您是 Matataki 的老用户,您可以登录 Matataki 之后在系统通知页面中找到我们空投的邀请码 If you are an existing Matataki user, you can find our empty invitation codes on the system notification page after logging in Matataki

  4. 您可以关注我们的社交媒体,我们将会不定期释放出一些邀请码 You can follow us on social m,edia, and we will release some codes from time to time

在 Meta Space console 中完成 Meta Space 的创建 / Complete the Meta Space creation in the Meta Space console

恭喜完成了 地块占领,现在您需要前往 Meta Space 的管理后台了

Congratulations on the completion of the plot occupation, now you need to go to the Meta Space Console

Meta Space Console:

您可以看到在 Meta Netowke 左侧的菜单栏中原本灰色的 ”管理 Meta Space“(Manage Meta Space)按钮已经可以使用了,点击按钮即可进入管理后台。首次进入 Meta Space Console 中会有系统引导您来创建自己的 Meta Space 。根据以下步骤完成即可

You can see that the grey "Manage Meta Space" button in the menu bar on the left side of Meta Network is now available; click it to enter the administration console. The first time you enter the Meta Space Console, you will be guided through the process of creating your own Meta Space. Just follow the steps below:

  1. 域名设置 / Domain name setting

  2. Meta Space 信息设置 / Meta Space information settings

  3. 存储设置 / Storage settings

  4. 发布 / Publish

域名设置 / Domain name settings

选择您希望的 Meta Space 域名,未来他人将会通过该域名来访问您的 Meta Space 哦。

Select the Meta Space domain name you want others to use to access your Meta Space in the future. 将会作为您的第一个域名,检测没有重复之后点击“提交”(Submit)按钮完成设置。

.metaspace. I will be your first domain name; check that there are no duplicates, and click the "Submit" button to complete the settings.

信息设置 / Information settings

Meta Space 未来就会是您个人的元空间啦,好好设置一下介绍信息吧!

Meta Space will be your metaspace in the future, so set up the introductory information!

在这里需要您根据指引完成 Meta Space 基础信息的设置哦。

Here you will need to follow the guidelines to set up the basic Meta Space information harborage settings.

存储设置 / Storage Setting

说到去中心化存储,Meta Space 不仅会利用 IPFS 和 AR 完成链上存证和元数据存储,而且也会将索引和元信息存储在您指定的存储位置哦。所有的存储都是由您个人可控的,怎么样?是不是安全感爆棚!

When it comes to decentralized storage, Meta Space will use IPFS and AR to store on-chain certificates and metadata and store indexes and meta information in the storage location you specify. You control all the storage, how about it? How's that for security?

目前您可以在 Github 或 Gittee 中选择一个作为个人的存储空间,因此您需要注册一个对应平台的账号。根据该步骤中的指引完成账号绑定之后,需要设置两个仓库的名称:

Currently, you can choose one of the Github or Gittee stores as your store, so you'll need to sign up for an account on that platform. After you follow the instructions in this step, you'll need to set up two repository names.

  1. 公开仓库:用来存放您的 Meta Space 索引和元信息,您发布的文章也会同步出现在这里哦,不过该仓库仅用于展示,因此使用了公开仓库。

    Public repository: This repository is used to store your Meta Space index and meta information.

  2. 私密仓库:用来存放您提交但是尚未发布的内容,这些内容是您只希望自己看到的。

    Private repository: It is used to store the content you submitted but not yet published, which you only want yourself to see.

如果想要成为 Web 3.0 的好公民一定要做好个人数据的备份工作哦! Meta Space 的设计中是将会支持更多种的数据存储源指定,甚至将会支持 Self-Host 模式。目前我们先选择了相对安全的 代码存储平台 Github 和 Gittee 作为存储源,但是为了防止任何可能的黑天鹅事件,请一定要有及时做好备份的觉悟哦!

If you want to be a good citizen of Web 3.0, make sure you back up your data! Meta Space is designed to support a wider variety of data storage sources and even support the Self-Host mode. For now, we have chosen the relatively safe code storage platforms Github and Gitter as our storage sources, but to prevent any possible black swan events, please be aware of the need for timely backups!

去中心存储 / Decentralized Storage

看到上面的教程好像 Meta Space 的存储也是偏中心化呀~并不是哦!我们已经在您内容的提交环节和发布环节中结合了去中心化存储&存证的流程,并且您文章中所上传的图片素材也全部都已经进行了元数据的存储。目前由 Meta Team 指定了 IPFS + Fleek 作为各种去中心化存储服务的服务商,但是!在接下来的更新中,我们将会开放网关设定,服务商自定义的多种个性化设定功能。

The tutorial above suggests that Meta Space's storage is also decentralized ~ it's not! We have combined the decentralized storage & storage process in your content submission and publishing sessions, and all the images uploaded in your articles have been stored with metadata. Currently, Meta Team has appointed IPFS + Fleek as the service provider for various decentralized storage services, but! In the next update, we will open up gateway settings and customization of service providers.

一切的努力都是为了让您写作得放心,发布得安心! All efforts are made to let you write and publish with peace of mind!

发布环节 / Publishing Session

呼,到了这一步终于轻松了!只需要您点击 “发布”(Publish)按钮,Meta Space Console 就会开始马不停蹄的为您创建符合需求的 Meta Space 啦!

Phew, it's finally easy at this step! All you need to do is click the Publish button, and Meta Space Console will start to create Meta Space for you in no time!

完成创建之后,系统会提示您已经完成了哦。这时候再看左侧的菜单栏是不是多了您 Space 的信息了~点击之后即可访问您的 Meta Space 了哦。当然这时候什么内容都还没有,是个空空的新家,接下来就可以开始创作内容,去中心化得发布到您的 Meta Space 中啦!

Once you've finished creating, you'll be prompted that you're done. When you have finished making your Meta Space, you will be reminded that it is done. Look at the menu bar on the left side and see if you have more information about your space. Of course, there is no content yet; it’s an empty new home, so you can start creating content and decentralizing it to your Meta Space!

下一章!《如何为我的 Meta Space 创建内容》 Next chapter - How to create content for my Meta Space!

Last updated